We drove around 1200 miles round trip from NW Ohio to New Jersey to buy our 2008 Jayco Eagle (this was in May of 2010).
I could go get it cheaper than getting it shipped, and I wanted to inspect it since I was purchasing it off a private seller (I would have gone to get it and inspect it even if it was from a dealer FWIW).
It was a good trip.
If I had ONE suggestion for you, something I wish I would have done differently..no matter how hard it is to resist the urge to "get back home" TAKE YOUR TIME and inspect it.
Overall we are VERY happy with our Eagle. However, I was guilty of wanting to get back as quickly as possible and did not inspect as thoroughly as I should have. Had I done my due diligence then I would have more than likely found the mice droppings that were hidden way under the cupboard, etc. that a normal inspection did not reveal. I would have also checked and realized that he had not winterized properly and the water pump had a crack/leak.
In the end, after a THOROUGH cleaning and about $100 for a new water pump the Eagle was perfect for us. It was barely used and in excellent condition. Even if I had known about those 2 issues I would have definitely still purchased it...but I would bet I could have used those to leverage the price down another $500 or so (even though we still got it at a heckuva deal).
In any event...if you have the time...IMHO picking it up yourself is definitely the way to go.