Go Dogs wrote:
It is stated on the Coachmen brochures, that they recommend buying from a local dealer. I don't blame the dealers one bit for not wanting to service a unit, that they did not sell. The ones around here have their service bays full with their own customers. As I said, they don't even want to inspect units that they didn't sell. My experience is that it is better to buy local. Don't be 'Penny wise and pound foolish'.
Well, you are kinder towards them than I am. My feeling are if this industry wants to be taken seriously, they need to get their act together and join the modern world of marketing and focus on customer satisfaction. That starts with improving quality control at the manufacturing process, and extends to treating the customers right all the way down to the dealer level, no matter where the customer buys the product. They need to see that it should be an integrated network of manufacturer, dealer, and customer.
This is not hard, and all the groundwork is done for them....all they have to do is look at how the major auto makers handle all this is the US market. My two cents on it....so take it with a grain of salt.