Forum Discussion

nike_holley's avatar
Jul 16, 2016

Looking for toilet upgrade advice...

Hey all...

After getting a new toilet at our home, taller & longer...

We're unhappy with the one in out Arctic Fox trailer...

We're looking for some advice & what others have done to upgrade...

We are very capable & will do the work ourselves...


  • With the shorter toilet you don't need a Squatty Potti, just sayin'. ;)
  • Suggest elongated China bowl. We have a Thetford Aqua Magic Style II which is better than what we have at our sticks and bricks home.
  • We installed a Dometic in our Airstream and it was a very nice improvement. Not all of them (Dometics) have the same measurements. Take a look and you will see the differences. Make sure you measure your existing space to see that a new one will fit there.

    Mine required that I make some modifications to the back of the lid and I ended up having to do some plumbing to get it connected. It was all rather easy and we are happy with the results.
  • Probably the 'only' time I would recommend going to Camping World,.....

    but they have an entire aisle of several models of toilets. If you want to see a bunch of them in one place and really get a hands on of what each toilet looks like and offers go your local Camping World to see them all.

    I just still don't understand why RV's 'still' come equipped with a toilet that is soooo much lower than a residential toilet. :R

    First thing I did was change the toilet out to a taller model to match the height of the residential style. It's a real Easy installation for any style you decide on.
  • We have a domestic 300 series. Plan to get a domestic 320 series, residential elongated seat,china bowl.
  • We have a domestic 300 series. Plan to get a domestic 320 series, residential elongated seat,china bowl.
  • I just installed a dometic 310 in our tt and it was well worth the investment. Super easy to install as well!