When we first started looking into campers (the DW's idea and I thank her every time we use it for not letting me buy a trailer ) the sales folks would tell us anything to sell us a camper like "we will store it for you while you run out and buy a truck". We spent over a year researching all aspects of truck camping before making our decision. Pop-ups were not considered as we had owned a tent trailer and had had enough of cold nights and wet canvas although they are all better now. If planning to do off road, a pop-up would be the best but everything is a compromise. Cold weather camping, only yourself, pets, slide vs non-slide all have their tradeoffs. With a 10 year old 3/4 ton truck you will be limited by weight without potentially doing some suspension and tire upgrades. With a newer one ton truck and a small single slide camper we are overweight! What they say they weigh and what they weigh ready to camp is a lot of difference. Read lots of forums and articles and study up on what you really want to do first! Good luck!