Howdy. I might be a new poster to many, or an old long-time poster. We are only relevant to the person reading the latest post. While I hope that some would appreciate what I post and what I bring to this forum. Sadly, in recent months that has not been the case. Also, there are many here just as capable of posting tips and guidance and have the time to comment. I just don't have the time or interest in the forum, for many of the reasons already shared.
I also miss many of the posters from the past. You can see this by the date they have joined. There is currently a post, for Jefe4X4, that I will contribute to, too. But the big thing I noticed about this post were the ones contributing to saying goodbye to Jefe, have starting dates prior to 2012.
Maybe we have become dinosaurs. So be it. I'm still on the road, boondocking going on 11 years. I still have a lot to share and the experience to back it up. That is where you will find me, most times or working on one of my favorite National Parks.