I'm still around...I read Truck Camper, General Rv'ing, Tech Issues, and Canada/Alaska or Snowbirds depending on season, out of general curiousity, but I don't try to give much advise....seems over the years on here I have learned that what works for me, I am happy with....I have no time or patience with word fighting someone in a peeing contest that "my way is right and your way is wrong"....what ever, dudes!...I glean what I think might be considered "me learning something", then move on.....passing along knowledge on something used to be appreciated in this world, but nowdays its all about looking for an excuse for a personal attack.....also have never posted pics that I would like to because it is too cumbersome....I follow some Facebook groups and it is really so helpfull to be able to snap a pic with phone and post it right away...