I'm new to truck campers but I've had a steep learning curve having purchased 5 of them new in the last 3.5 years. Lots of previous experience with 4 pull behinds prior as we've traveled 10K miles a year since retiring in 2006.
Frankly I got a bit excited discovering this dedicated TC forum but quickly began to have second thoughts about it. I don't understand people's negativity towards someone posting a YouTube video dedicated exclusively to our passion for TCs. Someone made a reference that they are "self-serving". I propose that this isn't always the case. I fell in love with making movies long before the word video was invented. I got my first movie camera when I was 11 years old in 1959 and have been making "movies" for over 60 years now. My YouTube channel is over 10 years old with close to 400 videos. I've never monetized a single video, nor ever made a penny from my hobby. All advertising is banned from my channel as I own 100% of all rights. I've never once asked anyone to subscribe to the channel. I don't care about views or likes or any such BS. I do it for the joy of doing it and simply sharing experiences with anyone who may be like minded. I just don't see how this is self-serving. I have just over 2 years worth of TC travel videos that I mistakenly thought other truck campers might be interested in. I've learned ten times more from watching videos than I've ever learned from any forum or owner's club.
I used to use a third party hosting site for posting photos. It was free and easy. They recently went bye bye as did all my photos. As suggested here, I tried the RV.NET link and had no luck getting photos to display here. It's funny however that the link works perfectly well on other forums such as Truck Camper Adventure. When I posted that information here not a single comment or response from anyone. These are the primary reasons that I've recently contemplated bailing on forums in general.
As a last resort at photo uploading I'm going to try crcr's suggestion ...

NOTE: Per crcr's information to use "Hot Link for Forums" .... this did not work for me. I switched to "Direct Link" and that was successful.