I'm thinking of getting this generator. It's a generator specifically made for an RV with the full current on the RV connector circuit. Most gens have their current split between 2 circuits.
So this generator will be great for the national forest campgrounds next year!!
Only plan on running about 6 hours a day to charge the batteries. It's a remote start so we can start if from bed in the morning to cool off the trailer with the AC immediately after we wake!
Shouldn't bother anyone as most are drunk rednecks blaring Hank Williams Jr. all day and all night long, yippin' and hollerin'. I think I know all the words to his songs now too.
Jokin' a side, I can't believe this thread wasn't closed 2 pages ago. Sounds like a ***** fest. If it were about dogs or kids, it would had been closed.
If I don't like the rules of a campground, I just don't go. Even gen noise is better than a campground with full hookups and obnoxious drinking parties or a none stop barking dog that's not within the quiet hours.
Sounds like boondocking is the way for many on this thread, so that there's no human contact while camping. Personally, I would go this route as well if there were any areas close enough.