tegu69 wrote:
Chuck_thehammer wrote:
when you lower the suspension.
check rear end angle. otherwise you will damage the U-joints.
replace rubber bump-stops. with shorter urethane ones.
my Ram is 2 inches lower in the front.. and 4 inches lower in the rear. done 8 years ago.
and If you change is more than 2 inches .. you need to get different shocks.. as they are also used as a travel limiter...
Thanks, that's a good point about checking the rear end angle, but I wonder; If you lower rear 2" and put weight on to lower it another 2", for a total of 4", would that be the same as putting more weight that would equal 4" on an unmodified truck.
If I lowered front the same amount as the rear, I would imagine that the angle would remain the same.
the U-Joint issue.. is to CHECK.. most of the time .. all is good.. but if you do not CHECK . your truck might be a little different.. and BANG.. a broken U-joint on the road with a trailer..
when you change from FACTORY... need to check rear axle with springs removed.. and lift axle assembly UP for interference .. to prevent damage , when you hit big dips and chuck-holes...LOADED... KNOW THE LIMITS..
I have seen the rear axle assembly broken on the side of the road... rear axle hitting bump-stops till bump-stop where GONE.. and then the rear axle was hitting the metal frame. till axle housing broke.