jsdad...I have a similar arrangement as you with an '08 Tundra with P tires towing a Keystone 250RS (6K dry), and an Equal-i-zer 1K/10K hitch. We frequently drive on "your" roads (all over Wisconsin, our favorite state) and last summer did a 4,700 mile round-trip odyssey to northern California and back. I have had ZERO problems, concerns, complaints or second-thoughts with this set-up in wet, dry, or high cross-winds (45+ in Wyoming), or when being passed by semis. Even the wife feels confident driving on 2-lane secondary highways.
Regarding your comment about "bounce issues", we had the same problem (pretty severely) until I reviewed the set-up procedures for the hitch and made careful measurements and adjustments to put more tilt on the head, effectively "tightening up" the connection between the truck and trailer...VERY little problem now.