Even though DOT certified LT tires are technically all capable - with the right tread design - of serving on RV trailer axles their manufacturers are reluctant to recommend them for that fitment as it’s not their choice to do so. Trailer manufacturers have the sole responsibility for tire selections and fitments. Trailer manufacturers will work closely with tire manufacturers in their selection of OEM tires. Some LT tires, like the Uniroyal Lerado - a Michelin owned company - were used as OEM on RV trailer axles. And they suffered the same types of failures as the ST tires. And their life expectancy closely mirrored that of the ST tires that replaced them. Keystone used an off shore tire manufacturer for their LT Mission tires. The results were terrible. There are no more Mission tires.
I don’t think anyone can find a current LT tire manufacturer, other than Goodyear, that recommends any of their LT tires for RV trailer axle service unless they are replacements for OEM LT tires. Industry standards just doesn’t allow it.