JIMNLIN wrote:
JJ and FastEagle post so much twisted half truth and out right mis information about what a LT tire maker will recommend or not recommend, or even what they tell us, for proper tire fitment to any trailer. Both of their posts are a excellent example.
What you have always failed to recognize is the fact that tire manufactures are not supposed to make the tire recommendations that you always seem to recommend. They do not have total control over their vast majority of retailers. Therefore selections from outside of the ropes are often made by those retailers not following industry standards. Probably because they are more involved in making the dollar than safety.
Here is a list of statements followed by the reference they came from. The statements are approved industry standards. They are what I try very hard to follow with my tire postings. Just because the guy/gal at the tire shop has the gift of gab to sell what is good for business doesn’t make it right or the best for safety.
Maybe you and others that are so sure about what regulations and standards really mean should get some interpretations from the source. When someone like me does it you call it “loaded”.
“Never fit tires to a vehicle that have less load-carrying capacity than required by the original equipment manufacturer.”
Goodyear“Tires should always be replaced with the same size designation - or approved options - as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer or authorized dealer.”
Uniroial“The load carrying capacity and inflation pressure capability of the replacement tires must always equal or exceed the load carrying capacity and inflation pressure capability of the original equipment tires.”
Cooper“Replacement tires must have equal or greater load carrying capacity compared to the original tires fitted to the vehicle.”
Toyo“Replacement tires must be of a size, load range, and load
Capacity (by inflation) that is capable of supporting the load of
the vehicles originally installed (O.E.) tires.”
Nitto“To maintain tire safety, purchase new tires that are the same size as the vehicle's original tires or another size recommended by the manufacturer.”