MrVan wrote:
I must repeat myself. LT tires on heavy trailers have proven they have a much lower reported failure rate than equivalent ST tires. That is good enough for me and therefore I have installed LT tires on my 5th wheel after having 2 sets of ST Tires fail. No further tire problems. Were LT tires specifically designed for Trailers and 5th wheels? Probably not but they work better and are more reliable than the ST tires. So do we really care what the specs are? Yes, we would all like to know why they are better but at this moment in time we are lost in debating the specifications and are not able to see the forest for the trees.
The bottom line is: They do the job reliably. Do we need to know more?
Finally a voice of common sense and reason emerges from the crowd....urging us to stop our mental mastication on this subject.