I have 6 trailers , first in my travel trailer , 2 dual axel equip trailers , and 4 single axel trailers , ANY trailer I have that carries more than 3000 lbs I run LT tires , This includes my camper , why LT tires , first is past experience I have had numerous tread seperation on ST tires , Second is these are the trailers I run heavy and on the highway . Third , I carry my family when I go camping , plain and simple I have 12,000 lbs of capacity on my trailer tires , with a max of 9000 lbs of trailer . PLEANTY OF RESERVE .
On my single axel trailers I run basically passsanger car tires , these are 3000 lb trailers that I run light , landfill , lumber yard , yard waste , these trailers rarely exceede 40 MPH ( I even added brakes and break aways that ARE NOT required for extra safety ) My tire problems almost stopped once I stopped using ST tires.
Change a tire at 3 am on an interstate , or not . I will stick to real tires made by companies that people are familiar with .
IMHO ST tires have their place , on small utility trailers , trailers that are used localy , not loaded to their maximum . Example , landscapers with mowers , harry homeowner with his 5 by 10 utility trailer , small boat trailers . BUT NOT high speed highway .