What gives ? Well, if a person digs thru the FMCSA website, they state in there they are rebuilding their site and some links may not work. So that's apparently what gives.
The point is, the research has been done. Numerous times. I'm not going to go back in and do your homework for you.
We go over this again and again, and sadly, many new people here only get confused by what gets posted.
Yeah, FMCSA website continually up grades their website as the rules and regs are changed. I find its best for me to paste and copy to note pad and place it on my desktop for future reference. When that info is gone from their web page its gone.
I didn't read all you posted but it may have came from a RV.net member SeniorGNC who did this
RESEARCH on ST vs LT testing differences per the FMVSS's.
Good read and may mean something to some folks who need some sort of research to show or tell them what works.
As a lay person I could care less about stats when choosing a tire for a trailer as they don't point toward what is reliable and what sure looked good in a advertisement.
ooooops looks like Huntingdog beat me to it