Community Alumni
Apr 03, 2014Everyday I tell myself to skip this topic, but yet I keep coming back. This topic has obviously turned into a beating of a dead horse (now I'm adding to it), but I'm pleasantly surprised that it hasn't turned into third grade class full personal attacks and petty name calling that you typically find in topics like this. I have to commend you guys for exercising restraint and keeping it civil.
However, even after others report decades of experience towing numerous trailers with LTs, the debate still goes on that LTs should not be used. I'm not sure if anyone has given a reason why LTs could not be used beyond, "No one specifically recommends them." To me it's just common sense. You can find an LT that has an equivalent capacity. Quality control across the board seems to lean heavily towards the LT classification. LTs are designed for a steer or drive axle, so a trailing axle would be a piece of cake for the tire. That might also increase rolling resistance slightly, but it wouldn't prevent you from using it. People report that LTs wears just as good or better than an ST. Some LTs may tow slightly different, but I have yet to find a person who says it made towing unsafe. Not to mention that lots of people are running LTs successfully and have for decades. Not to mention the thousands of others who are running LTs on other types of trailers and aren't posting about it on forums. I can't recall a thread anywhere where someone regretted putting properly fitted LTs on their trailer. I'm not saying that one tire is superior or inferior to the other tire. I just can't see why a comparable LT tire pressurized correctly, couldn't replace an ST.