proxim2020 wrote:
I'm not saying that one tire is superior or inferior to the other tire. I just can't see why a comparable LT tire pressurized correctly, couldn't replace an ST.
If of the correct load range,it can- and if someone is saying otherwise I'm missing it.
The disagreement as I see it is the continuing insistence by a few that
only LT's are fit for trailer use; this because of the fervent belief that "any LT is better than every ST". That's ridiculous on the face of it, and completely insupportable by the evidence.
Which evidence is so lacking that this thread has now degenerated to its usual Last Stand Argument, which is always some version of the below quoted "only LT users really care about their families" bushwa.
gmw photos wrote:
If something were to happen to these girls, all because I tried to cheap out on tires, I could never live with myself...........snip...............