gmw photos wrote:
Francesca Knowles wrote:
proxim2020 wrote:
I'm not saying that one tire is superior or inferior to the other tire. I just can't see why a comparable LT tire pressurized correctly, couldn't replace an ST.
If of the correct load range,it can- and if someone is saying otherwise I'm missing it.
The disagreement as I see it is the continuing insistence by a few that only LT's are fit for trailer use; this because of the fervent belief that "any LT is better than every ST". That's ridiculous on the face of it, and completely insupportable by the evidence.
Which evidence is so lacking that this thread has now degenerated to its usual Last Stand Argument, which is always some version of the below quoted "only LT users really care about their families" bushwa.
gmw photos wrote:
If something were to happen to these girls, all because I tried to cheap out on tires, I could never live with myself...........snip...............
Not my intent at all Franseca. My point was to illustrate that most things in life can be looked at as a risk vs reward situation. My example was trying to say that whatever possible reward I might get by buying a cheaper product is not worth the potential added risk that I suspect may go along with that choice.
I go back, once again to suggest that if you think ST tires are the correct choice for your little fiberglass camper, pulled by a small sedan, in the way you use it, then by all means, use them. But for me and my use, I have found what works better for me.
The more condescending you get, the weaker your "argument" becomes!
Presumably (and obviously) your "permission" to choose tire type doesn't extend to the thousands of trailer toters with respectably big trailers out there. Unless they "care" about their families, they must follow your lead. Got it!
Must be sure to pass this along to my brother per his toyhauler. Which reminds me: He/I don't care about our employees either, since there are so many ST's on equipment trailers in the fleet. And here we were thinkin' that just because they've served so well, we were doing the right thing. :S