Huntindog wrote:
I've been gone a few days with no internet.
Went to a dog trial in New Mexico with my TT.
1000 miles round trip for a weekend trial. A pretty normal event for us. Yes we did "gasp" exceed 65 MPH quite a bit, and we also "curbed" the tires pretty severely on a protruding rock at our campsite. But our LT tires as usual handled it just fine.
I am constantly amazed at what the internet has produced.
We used to call those with little to no experience but vocal opinions "armchair experts"
That has been replaced with the "Internet expert"
The same people with a larger audience.
It makes it really hard for the newcomers to decide what is their best choice.
I have told my story of my conversion to LT tires many times. I used to be a STRONG ST proponent.
Many failures changed my mind... No I did not post up all of my failures at the time, as I had been such a strong ST advocate; that it was,,, embarrassing. Anyone interested in my previous opinions about STs can search my old posts.
I eventually learned the hard and expensive lesson.
Anyone that wants to learn from my past mistakes is welcome to read my past posts and draw their conclusions. ( Use the advanced search, then, archive over 1 year option, my user name as the author and "ST" as the search word). I made this clickable, starting on page 5. Select page 4, 3 etc to see how my thinking changed over time.
Old ST opinions
Being "right" in this discussion is not important to me. Sharing my experience to hopefully help those that are willing to listen is.
Agree with Huntindog here....I too was a proponent of ST tires and my research has landed me in the same spot....ST tires are made on the cheap and have higher profit margins than LT tires, that's why the mfrs want us to buy STs for our trailers and not LTs.
That's why there is an information void here.....because there is no technical justification for STs, it's all about the profit....and mfrs aren't going to say "We recommend ST tires because we make more money on them."