Regular half ton's generally have +7K GVWR's and come with 'P' class tires
Fake half ton's generally have +8K GVWR's and come with 'LT' class tires. Generally
for those who refuse to buy a 3/4 ton, which has a regular +8K GVWR.
Fake 3/4 ton has +9K GVWR's
Why always say to forget using marketing badging and use the only true and
specific reference...their GVWR's...that also does NOT change over time either
My Silverado is the 'HD' version half ton of it's era and has a 6,200 GVWR
compared to today's 'HD' half ton's +8K GVWR
As to why it has 'LT' class tires vs 'P' class...those 'fake' half ton
are really the next higher class truck...for those who refuse to buy
a 3/4 ton truck...
Notice that folks will reference their 'half ton' and if you ask often
enough...they generally will come back with the GVWR...which can range
from +6K GVWR to +7K GVWR to +8K, which half ton are the
advisers referencing to???