Or you can make a 4 inch PVC pipe out of PVC gutters and have a hose support too. I use
plastic gutters I got at Lowes. I use them to support the hose and place them over the hose upside down and squeeze them to fit inside the one on the bottom. You can extend the top one over the hose where it turns down to connect to the cleanout. I can carry them stacked inside my PVC fence post carrier I mounted under the trailer along with the hose laying in them. The main thing is to protect the hose from direct sunlight. I have had one hooked up most of the time for over 2 years with no problem. The part of the hose that turns up to connect to the dump valve is always in the shade and is never covered. I did have to replace the bayonet fitting connecting to the valve but that was because the seal went bad because it was compressed for so long that it started to dribble when dumping. If you need to you can put some Velcro wraps around the gutters to hold them together.