It sounds like a plan, but just seems like something is not right and I'm not sure what it is. First, aren't you going to have to remove the bunkend completely to accomplish this sewing part?? I know Bob says silver vs colored makes no difference, but I just can't help but think it does, even if miniscule. And, do you want them on all the time? When we still had our ROO, I enjoyed the times when we could take them off to let in more light. Another thought, and I don't know if this is a good one or not, but what about having heavy duty snaps attached to the top of the bunkend and matching snaps on the PUG?? Would that be a PITA putting them on and off?? We never had a problem with ours on the ROO just using clippy things along the edge where the trim piece is, but apparently some bunkends are different. The idea of something like a small swim noodle sounds like a good extra bit of insulation,....just don't know how you'd accomplish all this and still be able to get the bunkend closed securely. Good luck and keep us posted.