Forum Discussion

samwalker's avatar
Aug 25, 2015

Making my travel trailer stable when parked

Have a 26' Rainier travel trailer. When we are parket at our sit with all four jacks down and the trailer being level, it shakes when we walk across the room. How to I make it more stable so it doesn't shake?
Appreciate it. Have tried adding fifth and sixth frame jacks about mid-length, but still shakes when we walk.
  • It is a TT. As mentioned you can try a few ideas or spend a lot of money.

    We level the TT, drop the jacks and that is sufficient for us.
  • Harbor Freight had big fat heavy duty rubber wheel chocks on sale last weekend for $4 a piece. I grabbed 4 for my trailer. We have only a single axle, so we can't jam the wheels with the wheels on the same side. This should help. I've been thinking about how to get emergency brake action going. Some hubs do have actuators for e-brakes on them. But this will work out just as well.
  • May be a crazy question, but do you chock the wheels at all? When we set up, after we get level side to side, we place 2 chocks behind the front tires, then I back up just a little and my wife and/ or boys place another set of chocks in front of the rear tires, then let the trailer settle into the chocks. After I back up a little, I set the e-brake so the other chocks can be placed. I have added a set of x-chocks also which they do help also. BUT... if you aren't using chocks (regular) then you should. Even w/ x-chocks you want to use regular chocks also. Set x-chocks after trailer is unhooked and leveled.
  • I have used blocks and old automobile screw jacks. Take most of the weight off the springs and it will be stable.
  • We had same issue on our Wind Jammer. Xchocks helped but after putting two of these in front of the front axle it is pretty much gone. Got two brand new jacks from the auto wreckers for $10.00.

  • Change your expectations or throw money at it. Chances are you'll never get your moneys worth.
  • its the suspension and wheel/tires.

    x-chocks or home made ones.

    I use 2 small bottle jacks (2 ton) with wood blocks.. in front of wheels up to the frame.. do not make the wheels lift.. just remove some of the weight from wheels/suspension.