Forum Discussion

lakeside013104's avatar
Apr 13, 2020

Mild earthquake shakes TC

Central Maine got a little shaking the other day. Between the heavy snow & high winds causing power outages for days, and the little shake session the TC experienced I am glad there is a roof over the camper and a solid foundation under it. Today's weather forecast is for 55 mph winds, but no snow, just rain. Hopefully power outages will not be so vast or will not last for multiple days. There are a few folks who are still without power from the last storm.

So staying inside out of the rain keeps us dry and maintains the social distancing so prevalent in parts of our nation.

My wishes for safety, good health, and maintaining one's sanity to all.

  • A true story.

    A few years ago, we were camping in Alaska. We took the Marine Highway to Haines and were going to stay at Chilkat State Park, an amazingly beautiful location at Chilkat Lake. As we checked in, in late May, the park host gave us a warning that there had been a LOT of very active bears working the park and to be very cautious. After getting settled, DW and I were sitting down to a nice lunch when the trailer started a series of shakes. I immediately thought of the cooler in the basement full of steaks, sausage, and various other goodies a bear might love. It was right beside the BBQ that I had been cooking on for the past week and might not have been as clean as it could have been. I grabbed a frying pan and large pot and exited the rig banging them together while shouting HEY BEAR, HEY BEAR, very loudly. Did that dance all the way around the rig and saw nothing, but we were in deep woods and a bear could have easily slipped away.

    Fast forward to the next day. When we were going out on a salmon charter the captain asked if we had any damage from "yesterday's earthquake". DW and I shared sheepish looks but didn't elaborate beyond a "no...nothing".

    One good point though. Because we were early in the season, the campground was sparsely populated and no one saw me making a fool of myself running around the rig banging pots. LOL.

    We've since experienced a number of shakes in the 9 Alaska trips we've been on. Sort of a ho-hum thing now.
  • We’ve had wind at times equal to 55 or above, snow, and an earthquake that I felt in the house a week or so ago. The power lines are mostly underground in this area, so no extended power outages happen.

    Not a lot of people so social distancing isn’t a big deal. You have to seek out people to be close to them.
  • We just had a 6.5 quake here in Idaho and everything is just fine..It is said,everytime you take your truck camper out for a drive,it is equal to a 3.0 earthquake, on the effects it has on the TC.
  • A friend of mine lives in Wisconsin she got two feet of snow yesterday.

    I live about 180 miles south of Salt Lake City. A few weeks ago they had a 5.7 magnitude earthquake.

    I live in a 40' TT and I felt the quake. I thought it was pretty cool.

    I have plenty of generators available if the power does go out so I don't worry abut that too much either.

    No roof over my TT or my camper. I am grateful that I wont be seeing any 55 mph winds.

    Stay safe.