Forum Discussion

plasticmaster's avatar
May 20, 2015

mold behind walls?

I'm suspecting that I have mold behind the walls in my camper, but can't tell where. Is there any way to identify where it may be without randomly cutting out sections of the wall? There's absolutely no evidence of the roof leaking. I've always maintained the roof very well since I bought the camper 6 years ago. I've also verified that there are no plumbing leaks. I need to get this taken care of. Any ideas?
  • Home Depot has mold detection kit's for under $10 and they work great.
  • Go to a boat place (West Marine) and get Mold/mildew odor control slow release system by Starbrite. Also get the fast release system.
  • darsben wrote:
    My first thought is condensate from the A/C is making its way into the affected areas. Is the A/C unit right in the neighborhood? IF so the fix may well be removing the A/C unit and gaining access to that area from the roof.
    The opportunity to spray a mold killer may then exist.
    Unless you find and stop the moisture you are fighting a losing battle.
    The best way to deal with this is heat treating the area but it requires about 150 degrees be maintained in the rig. Are you perhaps near the desert? A few days in the Arizona desert with the rig closed ought to kill all the mold. IN addition the low humidity will help.
    But unless you find the moisture source you are just temporarily fixing the problem

    No, the AC condensate runs off the roof to the gutter like it is supposed to. I also pulled the AC and inspected the area and it's dry.
  • Musty smell when you run your air conditioner can be a sign that your evaporator coils need cleaning - most RVers clean the condenser coils but forget about the evaporator coils which are hidden under a metal shroud. Use for forum search feature - lots of threads on how to clean the evaporator coils. Hope this helps.
  • My first thought is condensate from the A/C is making its way into the affected areas. Is the A/C unit right in the neighborhood? IF so the fix may well be removing the A/C unit and gaining access to that area from the roof.
    The opportunity to spray a mold killer may then exist.
    Unless you find and stop the moisture you are fighting a losing battle.
    The best way to deal with this is heat treating the area but it requires about 150 degrees be maintained in the rig. Are you perhaps near the desert? A few days in the Arizona desert with the rig closed ought to kill all the mold. IN addition the low humidity will help.
    But unless you find the moisture source you are just temporarily fixing the problem
  • darsben wrote:
    why do you suspect mold?
    In what area of the rig?

    My AC ductwork is not completely sealed, even though I have sealed the intake area and vents to make it as efficient as possible. Anyhow, when I run the AC, I can smell mold coming from around the edge of the windows in the rear bunk area and from the wiring hole behind a couple of the ceiling lights. I removed the bunk area windows and found a little mold around the wood framing there. While window was removed, I sanded that area and cleaned with bleach. I reinstalled windows and sealed them properly on the outside. Anyhow, mold smell still comes in when I run AC cause it pressurizes ceiling and wall cavities and then moldy smell comes into camper. I'm not too concerned about the AC not being 100% efficient, but how do I find and get rid of the mold?