Forum Discussion

Caboose66's avatar
Jan 20, 2014

molded front cap - rock protection

Seeing another post on here about molded front caps reminded me to post this question...
For those of you with molded front caps on your TT, what do you or or what have you seen done to minimize rock chips/dings in the fiberglass cap?
My old trailer had the diamond plate protection in that area... it was a traditional hung fiberglass front - not molded.
Is there something that you can stick to the front or are mudflap s really the only solution?

Thanks for any ideas.

  • There is a new 3M product that is intended to provide spray-on invisible "bras" for cars. However, this product looks like it will put a nice, thick layer of protecting plastic on the front of a RV.

    The product is called 3M Paint Defender System 90100. It seems to me that this might offer the same kind of stone and road debris protection for a TT that it gives a car. It costs less than $50.
  • Lou... about the line-x... I had not considered that but that's a great idea. I had that put on my truck bed as well as having my nerf bars coated with it and it is great.
    Can anyone see why line-x would not be advisable to add to, say the bottom 1/3 of the front cap. It will add some weight but I cant imagine it would be significant enough to be a concern.

    Dean, our Solaire which is an "Eclipse Model" by Palomino came with a fiberglass front cap with Linex rockguard protection that was done by the factory or manufacturer of the cap. Only the lower third of the cap is protected and they did a nice job contrasting the black "linex" with the white cap. You can google Solaire by Palomino and see it in their on line brochure. I'd post a picture, but I would be here all day trying to do so.

  • I have a fiberglass front cap on my Laredo TT. Surprisingly I am not having a chipping issue either. I do not use mud flaps on the tow vehicle. If I did have a chipping problem I would have a clear plastic chip guard applied professionally. I had it done on an SUV once and it worked great. It is a clear plastic film that is applied over the finish and does work. I liked it because it was almost invisible. The only thing you could see was the edge of the film.
  • Thanks everyone - great input.

    Lou... about the line-x... I had not considered that but that's a great idea. I had that put on my truck bed as well as having my nerf bars coated with it and it is great.
    Can anyone see why line-x would not be advisable to add to, say the bottom 1/3 of the front cap. It will add some weight but I cant imagine it would be significant enough to be a concern.
    I guess the right answer is to run this by the manufacturer... although I am pretty sure they will err on the side of caution and say that they can't recommend it and probably add the standard line about voiding warranty...

    Thanks again all.

  • I am purchasing a "Rock Solid " 18" Mudflap system for our F150 that connects easily to the hitch receiver for easy on and off . Our Solaire has a moulded front cap protected with Line X rubberized coating....but want to minimize the chance of rock / road debris damage. Any else have this brand? Are you happy with it?

    Thanks; Lou
  • This might work for protection.
  • I just have regular mud flaps on the rear of my truck. I do get dirt and bugs on the front but no dings. I think, if we were going to travel to Alaska, I would put some kind of rock protection on the front.

    There was a member some time ago that did go to Alaska and had extensive protection done to his travel trailer. He posted some great pictures also. If I can find it, I will provide a link.
  • Thanks folks. Its encouraging to hear that you haven't experienced significant damage... even without any kind of covering. I think I will heed the advice and look for some of those flaps that mount via the hitch when needed.

    Thanks again.
  • I agree with the above post. My trailer is about 10 years old, no special protection except mud flaps on the truck, and has no chips in it at all. We travel quite a bit every year, mostly on interstates.
  • You can get a sheet of clear plastic, 4 X 8 and attach it using long screws and rubber standoffs to keep it away from the front edge. I don't have anything on mine and at 10 yrs don't hav any damage.