Forum Discussion

mjeggum's avatar
Aug 22, 2017

more electric control panel questions

When removing old panel, labelled a bare wire to the frame as 12V.
Having my doubts.
Is it 12V or 120V ground?
I suspect it is a needed 120V ground. My mental picture is a loose 120 hot wire laying on the frame.
Like the old, the new panel is has a 120 to 12 converter and circuits in both voltages.
The electric brakes use the frame as the neutral wire. The onboard 12V items have white neutral wires.
Seems like the 120V stuff would need the metal frame grounded.
My simple mind would prefer the 120 system, the 12V onboard stuff and the 12V from the tow vehicle all be separate.
My inclination is to ground the 120V to the frame, leave the 12V onboard things ungrounded, and cross my fingers the 12V from the truck isn't harmed by using the grounded frame as the neutral wire.
Advice please.