I took my Dodge CTD to a chain oil change place a few times.
The last two visits convinced me to go back to doing it myself.
I dropped my truck off and they told me to come back in 45 minutes. 45 minutes later they explained to me that they could not change my oil because the drain plug took a special tool and I would have to go to the dealer to get my oil changed....
It happens that I happen to own that secret tool :) so I went home and changed it myself.
Second try went pretty much like the first except the reason that they couldn't change it was that the drain plug was cross threaded and I would have to go to the dealer. Again I went home and did it myself. The drain plug was a little snug but not cross threaded.
The next time I saved myself an hour and just stayed home and changed my own oil.
My own thoughts on synthetic Vs conventional oil:
A big benefit of synthetic is extended oil changes. If you put on a ton of miles and oil changes come frequently it makes sense to run synthetic oil that can be run significantly more miles than conventional oil.
Currently my RVing is limited to trips during the Summer. Max of about 400 miles. I put less than 3000 miles last year. With my current activity I never hit 3000 miles before I have run for six months. I run Rotella T and change it every six months.
I hope to be going on the road full time in 2022. If I put the miles on like I did last time I was full time then it will make sense to go synthetic. I expect to be putting between 15k and 20k miles a year.
The blended oil is new to me. What kind of oil change frequency would be appropriate with blended?