I think, maybe, the folks that get into trouble with the ventless heaters use too big of heater with too small of space. As mentioned previously my 10,000BTU heater burned my eyes in my little house, a converted 6x12 cargo trailer. It was too big of heater to work in the confined air of the small trailer and near 7000' elevation. I let it run in the toyhauler in the sig. overnight, at 1300' elevation on medium. It keeps the chill off the whole trailer. I keep the window open a couple inches that I run the propane hose through and a ceiling vent in our bedroom. The dogs sleep at the opposite end of the trailer. I don't believe in the blah, blah, of advertising with so important of issue so I turned the heater on high in the trailer in the driveway. I closed up everything and let it cook. After about a half hour, I checked it. The trailer was heated and the CO sensor hadn't gone off. I don't want ANYONE to think this is gospel but just something to think about if you're the worrysome type.. IMO..