Forum Discussion

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Dec 13, 2017

Mr. Heater Big Buddy Indoor/Outdoor Propane Heater

Just bought a used 2002 Coleman Niagara Elite pop up. Looks like new. It had most all options I would ever want. I never paid attention to the gas furnace, that were not a part of the options. Anyone out there tried the Mr. Heater Big Buddy Indoor/Outdoor Propane Heater — 18,000 BTU in a pop up and that did not worry about CO2 death?
  • We use a ceramic (electric) heater in our TT and I usually have to turn the thermostat down as it gets to darn hot.
  • We used a pair of buddy heaters to heat our travel trailer while dry camping in a state park. They worked great, but I did find myself double checking the CO detectors.
  • On high mine will heat my big 5er from 60 to 70 in about 5 minutes. But I still prefer the furnace. Quieter and more even heat. And Mr Heaters really go through those cylinders fast on high.

    I'm in a dry climate so I didn't notice any moisture.
  • They create a lot of moisture unless your someplace really dry. Also, while they are pretty safe I would not sleep in a small area with one running.
  • I have one.. puts out a whopping amount of heat with no CO worries.
  • I dont know offhand the specs of the furnace in our camper, but our pup is a little smaller. Nonetheless, there is a carbon monoxide detector on the inside. Yours should have one too. You can locate it in the manual (or online) and test it similar to a standard smoke detector. You could buy an after market one as well, but I'll bet my dollar that you already have one.
  • Look into the Camco Olympian wave heaters, safer units from what I have read and use less propane too.
    3000 btu unit is listed as suitable for 130 sqft, I know canvas sides lose a lot, but a 6000 may well be enough.