A forever topic and fueled by both
- Those who have "Ride Quality" #1 on their list of have to have
- Misconception on how the ratings system vs marketing works...and works well in the marketing arena
Ride Quality is a personal thing and don't comment much...unless they then also are caught in #2 misconception
MTWR, Max Tow Weight Rating, all OEM's publish is so misleading, but understand the two whys of it
- The OEMs do NOT know what option configuration and after market stuff buyers will get. Plus over time, they add many, many after market things (generalization). Nor does any OEM know what the driver will load onto and into their TVs. They also use the accepted actuary charts for the 'average' man/driver, which is 150 pounds. Boating has the Coast Guard change that to 180 pounds. That is for each person or seat belt for automotive. Boating has tags listing number of people (assume based on that 180lb for newer...older will assume 150lb) for max loading. Some has pounds
- Marketing for folks who do NOT dig any deeper into that ratings matter. King of the Hill stuff. Many...most times that 'stripper' they used to derive that MTWR is not offered for sale. New standards sometimes help, but does NOT address the stripper used to derive MTWR
The most often ratings quoted in any discussion is their MTWR and folks believe that is an absolute rating....
Meaning that is absolute no matter how they have loaded up their TV with options, after market stuff, people and other stuff...