jmcgsd wrote:
The SnowRiver was an exceptional product. I don't remember the name of the gentleman that owned that company, but I do remember meeting him in 1995 or 96 at a truck camper rally in Nebraska. I actually talked with him about modifying my Lance 981 to remove the dinette and install the swivel lounges that were an option in the Snow River.
He closed the business shortly thereafter as the RV market tanked. Even though I didn't own one I was sorry to see him go.
Bob Mehrer, he died 2 summers back of a heart attack, they closed every business in the town he lived in (Naramata, BC) for the funeral. Exceptional man, exceptional product. There was no such thing as warranty expiry on his campers if you took them back to the factory. When he closed he sold the SnowRiver name to Northwood as he was good friends with Ron Nash.