Forum Discussion

RoyBell's avatar
Jun 10, 2016

my carpet/sewer storage setup

Bought some PVC and fittings to make some storage under the camper. Then I was picking up our work truck from getting shelving put in and they had these caps on display. maybe overkill for outdoor carpet and sewer hoses, but I am a fan of putting stuff on that looks the part. A bunch of pvc end caps looks a little cheesy to me for this application.

Night pictures don't look that great, but it's a start. I am going to spray the pipe black and have to clean up the mounting, but it's just about finished. Not sure how to store the sewer line in the 6". May get the gutter everyone uses in the fence post? I drilled drain holes on the bottom of both so there is some air. I also thought about drilling out the caps and putting screen in there.

I left a little room on the strut for another 4" or if I need the fence post. I also may flip the whole thing over and put the strut on the top side. It will force it to hang a little lower but it should give a cleaner look.

20160609_205429 by RoyBelluomini, on Flickr

20160609_215015 by RoyBelluomini, on Flickr

20160609_214459 by RoyBelluomini, on Flickr
  • I had the hose in the bumper too.

    Decided to move the strut to the top. Looks much cleaner now. Of course the cap is not level after I tightened it all down. I was doing this in the dark with my headlamp :) Also much more solid now that the strut is pretty much bolted right to the frame and not hanging off rod.

    20160610_222708 by RoyBelluomini, on Flickr

    20160610_222657 by RoyBelluomini, on Flickr
  • Very clever, neat and handy.

    I just shove mine in the bumper.
  • Oldenuftoknowbetter wrote:
    Did I see pipe hangers, unistrut and all thread rod? You mutt be in the construction trade.

    :) Yes I am, Electrical.
  • Did I see pipe hangers, unistrut and all thread rod? You mutt be in the construction trade.
  • Roy, that is far too professional looking and its making people like me look bad .
    Do you have any mods where we can use a twisty and duct tape ? :)

    Nice job !
  • They are really not that expensive. The 6" was $65 and the 4" was like $50ish.

    By the time you buy the caps ($15 for 6" PVC cap), the glue, ($2), the female threaded adapter ($12) and threaded cap ($5), you still need the hardware for mounting it ($5?). For an extra $20 you get a nice looking setup that is lockable. My carriers did not come with screws or holes so I had to drill my own and I used rivets. Not a big deal. Makes it a little more secure because you can't just unbolt the caps and take them now.

    Best of all, since I was paying for the truck stuff, I just put it on the company credit card :D

    When I get home, I may experiment with flipping it over so the strut isn't hanging low.
  • Those caps are nice but they are expensive. Probably the reason most people don't use them.

    garyemunson, search for conduit carrier.
  • Looks great! Stealing that idea!! What are those caps called so I can find where to get them?