portscanner wrote:
Well, it should not be rocket surgery for someone named "Bert the Welder", I had a local machine shop cut me some steel the same thickness as the tabs on the jacks, 2 inches wide, 12 inches long (I think) and put 6 holes in it. I got some grade 8 bolts and put the jack back on. I wanted to make it as small as possible and still get the legs wide enough to get the truck underneath. There is enough stress on those swing out legs without sticking them out further with extensions.
See below:

Thanks for the pic's. I've got scads of plate laying around. Was more a question of unthought of, on my part, issues, like them still folding back properly, added stress to the mounting bolts,etc. Never actually seen a set up close, in person.
Got some naval armor plate that might be strong enough....:B