NRALIFR wrote:
I would also take a look at how the front jacks are mounted to the camper, and improve them if needed. Lance did a pretty good job of mounting mine, using a heavy sheet metal angle bracket on the inside, and all of the jack mount bolts go through the wood frame and the inner bracket. The bolts are thread-cutting type, but I put nuts and washers on them so I could tighten them up more without tearing out of the sheet metal. I have about an inch of clearance between the fenders and the front jacks with the extensions.
You’re correct that extending them too far will also cause problems when they are swung in. When they’re fully retracted, the pad at the bottom of the jack tubes come very close to the front Torklift tiedowns when they’re swung in.
Ah yes, the tie-downs! Another consideration when planning. This is why I ask those that have done. The voice of experience is always good!
I'd love to see manufacturers put a plate across the bottom of the jack mounting brackets for the camper corners to sit on. Would take some of the shear stress and weight off the mounting bolts. Though would require so degree of universality on the part of TC builders.