blt2ski wrote:
My 69 convertable VW Bug with an aircooled 50hp motor would pull that trailer! Your Kia would probably do fine if you can get a hitch hooked up!
Divorces.......been there done that!
I had a '69 VW. The engine was a 1500cc...rated at 53.5 hp. I know because when I ran it through tech at the local dragstrip in 1970, they asked me to check my VW manual and tell me what hp it was rated at.
After I told them, they asked me how important that 1/2 hp was, because it was difficult to figure out the hp/weight ratio to determine which 'racing' class it would be in. Back in 1970, the electronic hand calculator wasn't in popular use, so these calculations had to be figured out, just using the old noggin, and some noggins weren't good at arithmetic.
My best time at the 1/4 mile...was 19.4 seconds at 68.5 mph. That was flying for a V-Dub back then. I attribute my fast time and high mph to my excellent launches and remarkably quick shifting. My shifting hand was a blur...some said.
Anyways, just thought you'd like to know all this stuff, about the hp rating of the 1969 VW. You were off by 3.5 hp.
And no, I never put a hitch on it. Didn't have a trailer back then, eh.
Les ;)