Forum Discussion

kknowlton's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 25, 2014

mystery of the missing refrigerator shelf

Got our new TT home 10 days ago and have been gradually getting acquainted with it. It's too cold overnight to camp yet (temps still in the low 20s and teens), so we're just in the process of putting our stuff in it, adding a few small mods (towel rack, etc.) and figuring out where things will go in it.

We noticed today - not sure why we didn't notice earlier - that one shelf in our fridge is missing. We have a Dometic 6-cu-ft with separate freezer door, and it's identical to the one that was in the TT we traded in for this one. For those of you acquainted with this model, the shelf in question is the one located below the shelf with a "cutout" section in it, and above the one on top of the drawers. I contacted the dealer about it and was told that "all the Rockwoods" on their lot (a total of 8 currently, she said) came that way. Seems kind of fishy to me, and weird. After our last contact (this was by email), DH found the parts page from the fridge manual, and the missing shelf is shown there, with a part number, so it certainly seems that none of these campers should be missing the shelf, much less 8 (well, 9) of them.

Anyone else have the same problem?
  • Thanks, Bob. Any idea if the shelves are called "insert panels"?

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
  • I've had some back & forth emails with the dealer this morning. Seems most of the new fridges are coming out with one less shelf than previous models. Dometic's probably cheaping out a bit, like many businesses are these days. :( So we are just going to order an additional one - dealer is offering us the same as the best price we've found online. It's a little thing, but an annoyance, for sure.
  • Just a thought for those who are discovering the missing shelf too late to have the dealer involved and don't want to pay the parts catalog price. Would an expoxy covered metal shelf purchased at your neighbourhood big box store' closet section fill the bill? I've found em easy to cut to order with my Dremel.
  • Not sure. It seems they have special parts to support & hold the shelves in place, which I don't know if they can be duplicated. It might be worth a try - if one had a Dremel. :)
  • I noticed that my TT seemed to be missing a shelf when I got it home. After pricing them and the plugs, I decided to see if I could fabricate one. I had a old beat up shopping cart in the alley. It sacrificed a side of the basket to become the shelf. I had some plastic plug type things in some bins in the garage. With some dremmel work and a little epoxy, then a coat of white paint and a shelf was born. My cost... zero.
  • NYCgrrl wrote:
    Just a thought for those who are discovering the missing shelf too late to have the dealer involved and don't want to pay the parts catalog price. Would an expoxy covered metal shelf purchased at your neighbourhood big box store' closet section fill the bill? I've found em easy to cut to order with my Dremel.

    Exactly what I was thinking too. You could always just order the clips. But, You may be able to build some version of your own one of them too. Bet it would be cheaper then ordering the shelf from the company.