We put on a Helwig Bigwig.
Sway BarAlso Torklift Stable Loads to fill any gap between the rear bump stop and the top of the helper spring.
Stable LoadsBoth modifications helped, when cornering with the added swaybar the truck does not lean, with the stable loads it will not squat as much and also the rocking from side to side is greatly improved.
Hopefully you are close to the border and can make a trip to purchase from down there as prices here are crazy for this stuff...
Both are quite easy to install, few simple tools and some ranting.
You might want to fill it with all your stuff, plus water, propane etc
, weigh the whole outfit and check your tire load ratings, if you are
good with the weight on the BFG's the above mods will give you a really good ride. Our camper is about the same size on our Dodge 3500.
Empty ride will be harsh on bumps, when camper is off for a long time I take out the Stable loads, this will eliminate the helpers..