The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) is 7,700 lbs, this is the max weight including tongue weight.
Your Unladen Vehicle Weight (UVW or EMPTY or DRY Weight) is 5,210 lbs.
UVW is subtracted from the GVWR which gives you available "cargo" weight which is what you can safely put in the trailer (Cargo Carrying Capacity or CCC).
So without water or propane you have CCC of 2,490 lbs.
In your case the manufacturer is SPELLING OUT additional OPTIONAL "cargo" which you may or may not take along which are not included in the UVW.
46 gallons of water weighs about 381.8 lbs
Doesn't say if the propane tanks are included in the UVW so for 20lb tanks they will weigh about 38 lbs each and 30 lb tanks they will weigh about 58 lbs each.
Does not state if battery is included with the UVW so figure 58 lbs for one group 27 battery.
Add up those items you get 515.8 lbs for two full 20 lb propane tanks, full water and battery.
Subtract 515.8 lbs from the CCC of 2,490 lbs and you get 1,971.2 lbs left of your CCC.
Your Hitch of 580 lbs is the UNLADEN tongue weight of the trailer which does not include the water, propane or battery and will be significantly heavier when loaded.
Keep in mind tongue weight must be 10%-15% of the vehicle weigh so if you load the trailer to the GVWR you should see a tongue weight of 770 lbs to 1,155 lbs.
Ideally you want the tongue weight while loaded to be 13%-15% for the most stable towing..
The trailer Tongue weight COUNTS as CARGO your tow vehicle MUST CARRY.
So now you need to determine just how much CARGO your tow vehicle can carry, ideally it should be at least near 1,100 lbs since your trailer could potentially have a tongue weight of 1,100 lbs when fully loaded.
Before someone argues, the battery AND propane tanks sit ON THE HITCH and will add a significant amount of weight to the hitch. Two 20 lb propane tanks and one group 27 battery will easily add 134 lbs to the unladen hitch weight of 580 lbs so your hitch starting out will be 714 lbs.
Doesn't give you any room to load your trailer if your tow vehicle only has 750 lbs of available cargo..