Or if just a thin layer pour a little hot water on them before stepping out of the trailer. Then fold them in until you get ready to go back in.
If entering the trailer and the steps are extended you can scrape them off. I keep a small broom next to the inside of the door to sweep out dirt and sweep snow off the steps. When the snow ices up or gets crusty I have a short flat point shovel I keep under the rear bunk which is also accessible through a baggage door. It is part of my outdoor gear. I use it to clean heavier snow off the steps before entering or exiting the trailer then pour a little hot water on them to finish off.
If you have plenty of power available and want to get fancy, you could add some heat tape with a thermostat control like the type used on metal pipe subject to freezing, to the underside of each step and set the thermostat to just below freezing. just remember to unplug it before folding in the steps.