cheftim wrote:
ranhalgo, thanks for the comparison. I had air bags on my last setup and never loved them. I'm trying like you to do things one at a time. At this point I'm trying to decide between the lower Stableloads, Helliwig Big Wig rear stabilizer, and Supersprings.
billtex, other than yours being a CC and mine a SuperCab, we're pretty close in set up and weight. Other than the lower Stableloads, what other mods have you added?
Lower sl and 2” energy suspension bumpers for top overloads.
Our rigs are very similar weight.
I did not want to do anything that would effect unladen ride. I am very happy with these mods.
Last truck I did too much: air bags, super springs, sway bar.
I will not be doing any of those this time.
Truck rode like a cement truck. All the time.