Just get a portacrib and put it on the floor or other bunk end. Camping with kids is wonderful but you will be busier. I would put my kids in their car seats when it was time to take the pup down, leave the door open (so I could hear them if they cried), turn the air conditioning on and take it down, hook up and leave. I kept the foods simple when they were little (prebrowned ground beef for chili),grilled chicken or hots on the grill, premade salads, etc. We would sit around the campfire (make sure it isn't asmoky one) with the kids in our arms, they would fall asleep and we would put them to bed. The camping life with kids is a bit more complicated but you will enjoy it. As they got older, we packed travel games, sand toys, books, etc for the rainy days. Usually would go to places that were geared for kids with nice playgrounds and a pool. Now we enjoy the quieter ones as the girls are now 25. Congratulations and enjoy parenthood.