Forum Discussion

woodtrucker's avatar
Jun 09, 2013

new battery bit the dust but could have been worse.

back the camper in from a wet weekend trip and blocked up. went to turn on inside lights and nothing. checked battery and both posts were nearly burnt completely off the battery.
This is a brand new battery as of march and has worked flawlessly for three outings.
Would it be possible that I ran it dry in such a short time? My suspicion is that the wing nuts which I should have replaced when I bought camper, were corroded and they back out during travel and caused arcing while on the road and heated/melted posts.
It burned back the negative wire about 4inches too. Any suggestions on best way to splice that wire back in and not have more short issues to deal with? i was planning to check the water on battery after this trip since we'll be on some down time the next month or so from camping but I guess it could have been too late. I keep wanting to think it wasn't a dry battery and it was arcing b/c of loose terminal connections. Could loose terminals cause that much heat during travel? Please say yes! I'm scared to death to move the battery with posts melted off.
  • Definitely a dead short. You're lucky the battery didn't explode.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Not knowing what you have installed but it sure take a good short to melt down cables and terminals...

    Check the battery wiring for possible reverse connections or the way they are connected especially if you have some 6VC batteries connected in series to make 12VDC.

    Something is sure amiss here. The batteries should have catastrophe fuse protection for outside wiring short events...

    Your batteries wiring should look something like this for 6V and 12V wiring

    be safe out there
    Roy Ken
  • X2

    You would have one heck of a short. Had this happen once when the cheapo metal battery hold down slipped over and touched the positive pole in my old $300 high school ride. The resulting fire melted the entire battery down to the base. Glad yours didn't do more damage.
  • This thing went to ground somehow. It has nothing to do with a lose connection. It takes a ton of juice to melt a terminal and wire. You have a short somewhere.
  • I had not check terminals before I left and I am about 99% sure that was the issue b/c i notice one terminal melted to the ring terminal. I popped caps off and I could see water in all the ports. The wing nuts were very rusted and needed to b replaced and I feel like they were worn to the point that they didn't fit snug. I will get proper terminals and tight them down with hex nuts and use a disconnect! Thank
  • Yes, a loose connection will cause arcing and a lot of heat. Just pull the old one out and replace it. While you have the battery out, upgrade your battery connections to something that will prevent future issues. I would suggest 4 ga. battery or welding cable and tinned copper crimp connectors. Get the connectors with the proper ring terminal to fit the new battery posts. You can buy the cables and connectors fabricated to the necessary lengths at Genuine Dealz.

    A battery disconnect switch will let you disconnect the battery from the rest of the trailer and you won't need to unhook a battery cable in the future.
  • I would guess the battery itself had a dead short (maybe from low water level)… if the wing nuts were tight when you put them on it is unlikely the just became loose… but I guess you can choose your one reason, with the melted terminals no one will ever know for sure…

    It’s like which came first, the chicken of the egg…