If we were camping with NO shore water, I would only leave the pump on when it's needed. Although, doubt that it would hurt it if left on....one thing it would let you know if it keeps kicking on and off is that you have a leak somewhere in the system and you're losing pressure. We rarely carry water in the fresh tank because at about 8# per gallon, that = a lot of weight = more gas. So when time comes to get ready to head home, if we happen to have added any water, I use that to add to the black tank. Just open the flush - either a small lever on the side or a foot pedal, and let it run. You'll have to stand there to keep it open. Re #1 or #2.....doesn't really matter because that's what it's made for. Use it. Don't invest in the pricey RV toilet paper....just plain old cheap white stuff is fine and will break down. You do need to use chemicals of some sort. You can do a search here and find way more than you ever thought you needed to know about this. It sounds like a lot the first time and you'll likely wonder "what did they say???", but it's no biggie. Just have a good time, relax and the rest will take care of itself.