mgann wrote:
Recently bought a 95 Mallard 19n, in exceptional condition with one little thing not so good, the axles and brakes. Never thought to inspect or ask PO about them (not that he probably knew). Took a short trip, had a problem--hot hub. A mechanic pulled the hub(s) and found brakes shot and the magnet was stuck causing the hot hub. Suggested to remove all (4) sets of brakes and did so. Returned home just fine, took TT to a dealer for repair. Found out my 95 axles/hubs are obsolete. Dexter confirmed this with me also. So I ordered new 3500# ez lube axles complete with hubs and brakes. Should be on in a couples of weeks.
Unless the stubs were damaged, there IS no reason to replace the entire axle.
You DO NOT NEED to use "Dexter" parts.
Simply can buy drum and backing plates for 3,500 lb Dexter axles.
3,500 lb 5 on 5.5 drums and 10" brake backing plate can be bought through Amazon..
HERE which gets you TWO drums, and TWO backing plates with all new shoes, magnets and moving parts all for $130 plus $50 shipping.
Just need two sets for two axle trailers..
MUCH cheaper than replacing the entire axle and much less work involved..
You do not "need" the "neverlube", it is for the lazy folks who never bother looking at the brake shoes.. To get a look at the brake shoes, you MUST remove the drum anyways which makes it a perfect opportunity to clean and repack the bearings.
You do not getaway with that in PA, all trailers with electric brakes MUST get a YEARLY safety inspection.. I pull mine every year to verify no issues with be found when I drag my trailer to the inspection station.
Someone sold you a bill of goods..