ScottG wrote:
Anyone who goes to all the work to replace entire axles is certainly not "lazy". It also looks like for a couple hundred bucks you got absolutely everything, including springs .
That seems like a decent deal to me.
Anyone that doesn't bother to REALLY research is lazy, simple and easy to just call it quits when one place turns you away, much harder to dig down into the nitty gritty details.
There is nothing special about the OPs 2,500 axles and a little knowledge and understanding on how to research the OP could have saved on heck of a lot of hard work and totally refreshed their running gear.
The only thing I do acknowledge is the 3,500 brakes will be stronger (but keep in mind, TOO much brake strength CAN present it's own challenges), other than that the Neverlube is a waste of money and grease.