noteven wrote:
Kayteg1 - who built your truck camper with a c of g that removes weight from the steer axle and why would they do that do you think?
I think you are putting blame on truck builder, when the blame is to share with camper builder as well.
Last time Ford build "camper special" truck was I think over 40 years ago.
That truck had rear axle mounted towards the end of the bed.
For last decades, truck manufacturers don't care about building good truck for TC mounting, so we have to deal with truck design for grocery getting, having rear axle about 1/2 way of the bed length.
When you put 12' TC on it, camper COG will be behind the axle as generator, batteries and holding tanks are in the rear of camper.
That placement of COG cantilevers camper weight, lifting some weight from front axle.