Huntindog wrote:
roadjunkie wrote:
Huntindog wrote:
So for those that may be reading this, and are thinking it is all roses.... Look twice before leaping.
It takes a special kind of person that is willing to overlook some downsides so they can get more performance.
The original manufacturer has an engineering dept. that dwarfs all of the speed companies put together... If they "left some performance out"... There is most assuradly a reason.
What problems have you experienced with tune that you got? You've got my curiosity up.
Too high EGTs when towing uphill.
I have frequented the forums I spoke of in the past. I fell for the speed freaks pitch.
Spent a lot of money chasing the "cures".
Sold the truck and got one that doesn't need a custom tune to do the job. Just frequent some forums and notice how many people post up, looking for advice on their tune problems. They get a lot of it. And a lot of advice gets dispensed.... I am sure a lot of them do as I did. Just move on to a truck that works stock.
Not dissing anyone. If some people enjoy trying to squeeze more than the factory did out of their trucks.. To the point that they are willing to overlook some headaches.... Hey everyone needs a hobby.
It sounds like you had a bad tune, or one that went after all out performance. If you had a quality custom tune for towing only you would have had a better outcome. And I have no headaches with my custom tunes.