roadjunkie wrote:
Camper G wrote:
The new 5.3 is vastly different than your 5.3. Look it up sometime, if you have some extra time. They share the same displacement, but very few items. The new 5.3 is all aluminum, has VVT, A newer version of the MDS that works much better than the prior from what i understand, etc.
I've read up on the different motors and I'm fairly sure that the all aluminum block was available as an option in 2005. Mine is the LM7.
Camper G wrote:
My 15 Silverado had great power, no question. As far as tunes go, my understanding is the BB tune really helps the terrible transmission tuning those trucks have, vastly improves the laggy, lazy throttle response and can remove all the torque management gm puts info those trucks.
I hear it makes a huge difference. You can get 87 and 93 octane tunes. I would have gotten one if I kept that truck. I hated the transmission tuning and lazy throttle response that truck had.
The lazy throttle is a huge issue with me. I don't like having to push the pedal halfway down to get rolling. The transmission is also an issue. I know my truck has the power but it's not using all of it. I want to "Wake it up".
Camper G wrote:
Also, gears make a big difference. Ask anyone who has raced 5.0 mustangs (i have) the difference between a 3.27 gear and a 3.73 gear in an otherwise stock 5-speed car. Huge improvement. Dollar for dollar, gears are the best bang for your buck in terms of performance improvenent.
These are just my opinions, YMMV. Good luck.
Gears do make a big difference. I can already tell, even without hooking it up to my TT, that it's going to be a better experience. Before the new gears, my truck would downshift from 4th to 3rd on a grade of the RPM's fell below 2000. Now it will pull the same grade in 4th at 1200 RPMs. Thanks for your input, Camper G. ;)
Sure thing, no problem. I personally think you made a smart decision with the gear change. I have no doubt it will improve the pulling performance of your truck. Please post back after you've towed with it the first time.