Most any of those will make it really difficult to stay under your maximum towing rating. Remember and this has been hammered home a lot. NO ONE will ever tow a "dry" trailer/ Look at the trailers GVWR instead. You may never see the GVWR but any under that number will be a blessing. Next thing you have to understand, towing rating is based on a totally stripped truck with 1/4 tank of fuel and one 150 pound driver. So in the real world, you need to load up everything you want to take camping with you and go to the scales. Then find from Toyota the vehicles GCWR, and subtract your scaled weight from the GCWR. That will give you the maximum weight you should consider towing. DD and SIL have a Tundra with the big motor. And it is a nice truck, but when loaded it is going to be hard pressed to tow much over 5000 pounds loaded ready to go. Your small motored truck is going to be a struggle at 5000 pounds loaded with much over a single driver.